Karen Gurian, MD
Certified Grief Educator
Certified Life Coach
Retired Obstetrician/Gynecologist
I can help you find a way forward so you can grieve fully and live fully
I’m sorry you have cause to be here, but I am glad you’ve found me
I help people navigate grief from all types of loss
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, retired Ob/Gyn, life coach, and grief educator
I do this work to honor my mother, who died when I was 10 years old
I have personal and professional experience with pregnancy loss
I am the person I wish I had found when I needed guidance through the world of grief
I know that grief needs to be felt, witnessed, and validated
I know that grief is not divided into neat, packaged stages
I know that grief is not something to get over
I know the relationship with grief can change and become easier to carry
My strength is my intuitive and caring nature
My coaching is client led, compassionate, and a safe place for difficult emotions
Mayo Medical School, Doctor of Medicine
Mayo Clinic, Residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology
Life training, being a Mom of 4
Certified Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach
International Coaching Federation Certified Coach
My Education & Training
Grief training with both David Kessler and Megan Devine
Certificate from the Institute of Reproductive Grief Care
Certified Mother Loss/Motherless Daughters Grief Provider
End of Life Doula training, University of Vermont
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